
Assumption that I have before running the workshop:

This is not a Java crash course to teach you things like "What is a class..etc". It is about the best practices I wished I was taught in University, that I have seen used often at work.

I am running those workshops to share what I have learnt from the Senior Developers (The real experts) during my past two years as a developer. Hopefully it is helpful!

Basic Java knowledge:

  • Create a class
  • Create a method
  • Variables (Primitive vs Object)
  • For loop, while loop..etc
  • Polymorphism/Inheritance

Basic database knowldege:

  • MySql (Create a table..etc)
  • Primary Keys, foreigh keys.etc
  • Many to Many relationship


  • None

Rest API:

  • None

Spring Boot:

  • None

See thats all you need to know! Lets get started!

Examples are taken from various sources from the web and books:

  • Head first Java Design Pattern
  • StackOverflow

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